

Marine event services in the UAE
Published on 14 Mar ‘17
Marine event services in the UAE
Marine event services in the UAE

Aside from marine construction, marine barrier and accessory supply, Ecocoast is heavily involved in a vast array of events throughout the UAE. Ranging from world-record breaking offshore fireworks displays to branded dance and sports events, Ecocoast has a tailor-made inventory of equipment and apparatus that can handle the most abstract of concepts and client requirements. By providing a service that gives the client the option to showcase in a completely different yet versatile medium other than dry land, means that their offerings to the public has increased dramatically.

Below is a selection of Ecocoast’s equipment that is used on a regular basis for a variety of different events.

Plastic Modular Pontoon Units: The plastic modular pontoon units are an incredibly versatile product that allows us to assemble them in an indefinite variety of shapes and sizes to suit any requirement. The pontoons also have a very diverse range of accessories that can be fitted to them to extend their use further, such as, timber or steel decking, handrails, bollards, access ladders, rubber fenders and many more. The modular units have been used for events like fireworks displays, sporting competitions, dance parties and temporary boat mooring.

TCB Landing Craft: TCB is a custom designed aluminium hulled vessel that can apply itself to a multitude of uses. The deck space in front of the captain’s cabin means that it is not only great for construction works but also for events. We have recently used TCB on our annual fireworks project to transport live fireworks to floating platforms, and also for a number of media projects where it was used as a camera boat. The camera and tripod were set-up on the deck to help produce a number of television commercials that went live.

Steel Catamarans: These steel catamarans are custom designed and developed for offshore fireworks projects. The two tubular hulls provide great buoyancy in rough seas, and the top framework portion is fabricated in such a way that steel or marine timber decking can be applied. The pontoons were used to great effect on a number of the New Year’s fireworks displays up and down the UAE coastline. The lightweight construction means they are easy to mobilize and very quick to assemble.

Consultation: Ecocoast has a team of Engineers who provide engineering and calculation consultancy services for high profile events. Buoyancy, stability and fluid mechanic estimations are among a few of the technical details that we get involved with, to ensure our client is operating as efficiently and safely as possible. For clients who do not have this technical know-how, Ecocoast can be contracted to carry out the number crunching as well as material supply and installation.

Beach Preparation Works: Being a predominantly coastal region, the UAE has a lot of beaches that have huge potential for a wide variety of events and shows. Ecocoast has a fleet of specialized beach preparation equipment that is perfect for any public or private contract. We have used the machines to great effect on events, ranging from weddings to beach soccer events.

Temporary Barge Ramps: Using our in-house made geobags and geocontainers, Ecocoast is able to provide cost and time effective solutions for temporary barge ramps and moorings. Our beach preparation equipment, heavy plant equipment and product supply go hand-in-hand to enable us to offer a full turnkey solution to meet these requirements. Being a marine construction company means that we have a great deal of knowledge and experience to carry out these kinds of projects to the highest of standards.

Contact us today to find out how we can assist you on your next sports, dance, fireworks or filming project. Call +971 4 885 3944.

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