

Ecobarrier Silt Curtains
Published on 23 Aug ‘17
Silt curtain production in numbers
Ecobarrier Silt Curtains

Ecobarrier now operates two production facilities to meet demand in marine demarcation, protection and navigation barriers. Over 18 kilometers of silt curtains have been designed and manufactured so far this year, with distribution not only in the GCC and Africa, but also across the Indian Ocean. This length is equal to the distance between Dubai and Sharjah. We will hit another notable milestone this coming September. Ecobarrier silt curtains will be shipped for the very first time to Mexico.

Since the launch of our business, we have modernized marine protection solutions with a suite of stronger, more durable and more sustainable options. We can proudly say that we have designed the strongest and most secure silt curtain in the world in terms of the environmental impact. 

How to select the right curtain? A question we get asked relatively often. A multitude of factors influence model selection, going from tidal forces and wave height, to installation location and regulations, to mention just a few. It is key to understand the environmental conditions in order to select the right model to ensure satisfactory performance. We recently created a guideline and questionnaire to assist our clients in model selection.

Get in touch to get our free brochure with practical guidance. Call us at +971.4.885 3944 or use the contact form on our website to ask whatever comes to your mind (https://www.ecocoast.com/contact-us).

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