

Ecobarrier Silt Curtains
Published on 06 Dec ‘22
Selecting the right silt curtain model and partner
Ecobarrier Silt Curtains

The importance of selecting the right silt curtain model and working with a partner who understands the technical side

Silt curtains are an effective way to manage sediment and protect aquatic environments during construction and dredging activities. But to minimize downtime and costs, it is crucial to work with a partner who understands the technical side of silt curtain design, installation and everything in between.

Here’s what you need to know.

3 important tips for selecting the right silt curtain model and partner

1. Product quality

In all circumstances, but particularly those of a more volatile nature, with high current speeds or offshore conditions for example, the product quality is key to take into consideration. It may appear at first glance as though cheaper, off-the-rack one-size-fits-all silt curtains will ultimately end up costing less in total over time, however, what happens when the silt curtains are poorly constructed and fall apart much quicker than expected during dredging or construction operations?

Your downtime increases due to them being poorly designed, which then results in: either having repairs done if possible, or sourcing new silt curtains altogether resulting into an expense greater than before.

2. Model selection

There are a multitude of factors that influence silt curtain model selection. It is key to understand the environmental conditions in order to select the right model to ensure satisfactory performance.

Factors include but are not limited to: location (inshore, nearshore, offshore), tidal flows (from low <1.0m/s to moderate 1.0-1.5m/s and strong >1.5m/s), wave duration (short <1.0m, moderate 1.0-1.5m or extended >1.5m) and project duration, in addition to environmental regulations and sensitivity levels.

3. Installation or supervision

Silt curtains that are not properly installed, will not withstand bad weather and other challenges to last through the job. Even perfectly constructed and installed silt curtains need to be inspected on a regular basis.

Silt curtains require the proper care to avoid damage to the curtains themselves and also our marine environment. It is best to leave installation to the marine barrier company or get a supervisor who has expertise in that area of work.


When properly selected and installed, silt curtains can be an effective way to manage sediment and protect aquatic environments during construction and dredging activities. However, selecting the right silt curtain model and the right partner is of key importance to minimize downtime and reduce costs.

Choosing a partner who increases downtime duration through poor performance will ultimately reflect poorly on your business, so finding a proven and reliable supplier that you can trust is one of the most important decisions that you can make.

By following these tips, you can be sure that your next project will be a success.

Get in touch to know more!


Our silt curtain datasheets can be downloaded on product pages: Ecobarrier Silt Curtains.
For other silt curtain related blogposts, click here.
A version of this blogpost was featured in DredgingToday.com.

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