

TrapBags Flood Protection
Published on 06 Mar ‘16
New flood protection system
TrapBags Flood Protection

In response to the widespread flooding across the Arabian Gulf this Shamal season, UAE-based marine contractor Ecocoast Contracting LLC announced today the introduction of a rapid deployment solution for emergency flood protection. The system known as Trapbag® has been used extensively by the marine contractor on coastal protection projects across the Gulf, and it is now using the system for flood control, mudslide protection and erosion control.

Ecocoast Managing Director, Lachlan Jackson, said “Trapbag® is a continuous cell barrier made from high strength fabric and filled with anything from dune sand to gravel. It is extremely quick to install with minimal resources and is a cost effective solution over more traditional structures. We have been designing protection structures with Trapbag® for years as an alternative solution to coastal protection and beach stabilisation, but in fact it was originally designed in the US in response to the flooding and damage caused by Hurricane Charlie.”

“This time of year, we see the intensity of Shamal season and the damage it causes across the Arabian Gulf.  In these situations, the most important thing is speed of response to limit the damage to property and surrounding areas.  We can install over 100m of 2m high barrier in a few hours”, Mr Jackson added.

Trapbag® is currently used around the world for flood protection, erosion control, beach stabilisation, coastal protection, mudslide protection, storm surge protection, riverbank protection, safety barriers and military applications.

Ecocoast is currently coordinating with a number of municipalities and contractors around the Gulf to implement viable, effective systems for emergency protection.

If you’re in need of further information about flood protection systems, please call +971 4 8853944 or email [email protected].

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