

New buoy line designed to succeed in all conditions
Published on 15 Nov ‘20
New buoy line designed to succeed in all conditions
New buoy line designed to succeed in all conditions


Our Ecobarrier Navigation Buoy line has been designed to succeed in all conditions thanks to a combination of our advanced technologies, designs and expertise.

Our Ecobarrier Navigation Buoy line has seen two recent additions to the range – ENB-400 and ENB-1200 models, with the former specifically designed for in-land waterways.

New buoy line designed to succeed in all conditions

The ENB-400 is suitable for water depths of up to 5-metres, making it a perfect solution for nearshore applications, waterways, and marinas. Its total weight is only 4.5 kilograms, making it convenient to use and transport. Available in standard high-visibility yellow, green, and red, as per IALA recommendations. Furthermore, for increased visibility at night, Hyperion solar marine lanterns can be fitted to the new buoy for a complete demarcation solution.

At the opposite end of the range is the ENB-1200, which is the largest buoy that Ecocoast has ever designed and only recently launched. It has a floater diameter of 1,200 millimetres, a visible area of 1.25 square metres, and a focal plane of 1.65 metres. The reserve buoyancy of a single buoy is 490 kilograms, which allows it to be installed in water depths of up to 30 metres.

Weighing in at 110 kilograms, the ENB-1200 can be deployed to serve as a navigation guide for channels in marinas, but it can also serve a purpose of demarcation for construction work, beaches and so on, explains Filip Stefanovic, Head of Engineering for Ecocoast.

The ENB-1200 has been designed to operate across a variety of conditions and with a range of systems. There is no specific set of environments that we’ve used during the design stage. It is designed to succeed in all conditions.

Both the ENB-400 and the ENB-1200 have been built with UV-stabilised virgin polyethylene, which is suited for extreme weather conditions. Filled with closed-cell PU foam, this provides additional protection in case there is any damage. In addition, the ENB-1200 comes with a concrete ballast, with a maximum mooring weight of 250 kilograms.

The Right Partner

Both buoys come with customisation and add-on options such as Ecomoor, our propriety, next generation mooring system, as well as Hyperion marine lanterns, anchoring and on-mould and mould-in graphics. Moorforce, our advanced propriety mooring software, which is designed to understand the forces placed on marine buoys and aid mooring requirements, is also available as a free service to our clients.

Having the full range of marine buoys, lanterns and mooring solutions manufactured in the UAE, allows us to make them readily available to any location across the Middle East, as they can be where they need to be within a matter of days. In addition, our partnership with GISMAN enables us to offer our clients a complete marine navigation solution with buoys up to 3,000mm in diameter.

We also work closely with our clients to identify the right specifications and design navigation requirements, as per IALA norm requirements, to guarantee safe navigation. We can determine the required specifications of mooring lines and blocks for the anchoring of our buoys for specific projects through Moorforce.

Furthermore, our entire product range is endorsed by industry experts, and we have been approved and specified by Dubai Municipality, with our products replacing defective buoys along the UAE’s coastline since 2017.

Filip StefanovicIf you would like to know more, our technical experts will be pleased to give you advice or a demonstration of Moorforce, our mooring software. Please contact Filip at +971 4 885 3944 or [email protected]

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