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Published on 15 Jul ‘15
Installation of geocontainers for emergency protection
Installation of geocontainers for emergency protection

This week our team inspected a private island site just off the Abu Dhabi coast where we had installed geocontainers for emergency protection in March. The improvement in the area is noticeable, with the geocontainers performing exactly as planned.

A number of heavy storms this winter resulted in the formation of a breakthrough channel through the dunes on the island, threatening to reduce the island’s footprint and fill in a natural lagoon behind it.

Previous attempts by the island to fill this area with sand had not been successful with repeated breakthroughs during the season. Our team installed a series of geocontainers and geotubes to close off this channel.

On completion of the installation, the geocontainers were covered with sand and the area behind them filled in, leaving nature to take its course.

In the last 3 months there has been a natural build up of almost a meter of sand in front of the containers which has served to widen the beach. This is exactly what the works were designed to do and we expect the beach to continue to build in front of the geocontainers through summer which will provide added protection to the beach when Shamal season returns.

There is evidence from sand washed off the top portion of the containers that waves and uprush had reached and been stopped by the containers without a breakthrough that would normally occur. Even during the recent King tides, the wave uprush level has still remained below crest height of the geocontainers.