

Coastal Protection Barriers: Ecobarrier Geosynthetic Containers (geotubes)
Published on 26 Feb ‘18
Innovation lies at the heart of Ecocoast
Coastal Protection Barriers: Ecobarrier Geosynthetic Containers (geotubes)

In 2014, the UAE government declared 2015 as the ‘Year of Innovation’, and had announced to become one of the most innovative countries in the world by 2021. For the UAE to achieve that goal, creating a widespread culture of innovation to strengthen its position as global hub for innovation is vital.

Changes are taking place at an increasing pace. In today’s complex world, demands, circumstances and market developments are constantly changing, affecting all of us every day. In order to cope with these changes, we work continuously to distinguish ourselves in everything we do. Curiosity is one of our core values, defining who we are and how we work with our clients and business partners.

Through establishing our in-house innovation lab ‘CrabWorks’, led by Zisis Anagnostopoulos, we foster and support this culture of innovation. CrabWorks serves one purpose: To bring new solutions to life and improve existing ones, i.e. solutions that protect and support coastal development, and lead Ecocoast – through curiosity – into building a sustainable future in the marine industry.

We were pioneers in manufacturing the strongest silt curtain globally, the first to use pile sleeves as an alternative to pile replacement and the first to install sand-filled megacontainers locally. We will continue to lead an innovation culture by continuously setting new standards in marine solutions.

Stay tuned – more to come soon.

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