

Ecocoast - Traditional Mooring vs Ecomooring
Published on 28 Jul ‘19
[INFOGRAPHIC] Traditional moorings vs ecomoorings
Ecocoast - Traditional Mooring vs Ecomooring

The range and variety of mooring systems and fittings in marine applications to moor buoys is wider than ever before. Different types of chains, shackles, swivels and ropes exist, however, there is a lack of environmentally-friendly options. As we are committed to protecting and supporting the marine environment, we decided to develop an eco-friendly solution, Ecomoor – the first next-generation mooring system in the Middle East. Why Ecomoor? Here’s an overview of the difference between traditional mooring systems and ecomoorings:

Unlike traditional mooring chains that sit on the seabed, Ecomoor is always in a floating state due to the neutral buoyancy of the line, and as a result, does not damage sensitive areas with coral reefs or seagrass beds. Its light weight means that it is easier to manage from an operational standpoint, reducing transportation and installation costs, unlike chains where heavier lifting and handling equipment is necessary. Ecomoor delivers a constant tension between the buoy and anchor, decreasing stress at the attachment points and the potential for wear, breakage and drag.

Learn more about Ecomoor here or download our datasheet under the Specs section. Alternatively, tell us a little about yourself below to gain access to our explanatory free e-book, showcasing how our Aids to Navigation range makes it easier for you to navigate smarter:

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