

GISMAN Navigation Buoys
Published on 12 Apr ‘17
How to contain and absorb oil spills quickly?
GISMAN Navigation Buoys

There were recently some oil spills on the East Coast of the UAE, leaving kilometres-long stretches coated in thick crude. Our Ecobarrier oil booms were used to contain the spill and protect the area from further damage. The feedback we received from our client on the product performance was extremely positive: “The oil barrier installed by Ecocoast performed excellently and we were very impressed by the outcome. What could have been a disaster has been avoided effectively.”

No one can stop accidents from happening, however, we can prevent them from causing major, expensive environmental impacts. We offer a wide range of oil and containment booms for different applications (view our containment boom range and oil boom range). SaveSorb, as an example, is a marine protection solution that not only contains but also absorbs contaminants, such as oil, fuel and chemicals. Recognized as sustainable by the UK Environment Agency, SaveSorb products filter contaminated water to absorb and encapsulate (no leaching!) almost all hydrocarbons and their vapours. This video demonstrates how well SaveSorb absorbs oil compared to a traditional product: Click here.

Questions? Please give us a call at +971 4 885 3944 and our team will be happy to assist you.

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