

How our versatile ENB-600s are game changers for marine demarcation
Published on 30 May ‘21
How our versatile ENB-600s are game changers for marine demarcation
How our versatile ENB-600s are game changers for marine demarcation


We look at how our versatile ENB-600s are game changers for marine demarcation in the UAE.

Over the years, Ecocoast’s navigation buoys have been integral parts of many projects in the UAE and beyond, delivering impressive results across a range of activities and deployments. Just recently, we completed work on two of Dubai’s most-high-profile developments, where we provided marine safety and guidance systems to demarcate restricted areas and keep visitors, guests and residents safe and secure, while still allowing them to enjoy themselves.

Our range of marine buoys offer UV-stabilised virgin polyethylene products for high-UV conditions, creating a comprehensive portfolio of highly visible buoys that can seamlessly connect with other marine demarcation barriers.

How our versatile ENB-600s are game changers for marine demarcation
ENB-1200 in UAE waters.

These buoys aid safe navigation and demarcate a variety of crucial marine and coastal projects and areas, such as waterways, marinas, rivers, ports – including offshore and ocean-going locations. They conform to IALA guidelines and can be customised with mould-in graphics, solar lanterns/panels, signage, radar reflectors and/or monitoring systems.

Amongst our most popular models are our Ecobarrier® Navigation Buoys (ENB), which reach up to 1500mm and are used for both demarcation and navigation purposes. Furthermore, these buoys have been designed for the harsh UV environments found in the Middle East, perfect for projects in this region.

Of the ENB range, our ENB-600 models are probably the most widely used, with their robust build providing clients with an economical solution for demarcation in inshore areas. A recent project on which our Ecobarrier® ENB-600 buoys and Hyperion® HL-1 lanterns were deployed was The Pointe on Nakheel’s Palm Jumeirah.

Ecocoast was hired by The Pointe’s operations team to demarcate the areas around the water fountain and keep jet skis and boats away from it. They were also in need of a quick release mechanism for the maintenance team to be able to open and enter the area with their boat, to carry out daily maintenance works.

In this blogpost, we look at how our versatile ENB-600s are game changers for marine demarcation in the UAE.
How our versatile ENB-600s are game changers for marine demarcation.

As a result of these requirements, we offered the client our SRB recreational barriers, ENB-600 buoys and HL-1 LED marine lanterns as an easy to maintain, modular solution which is cost-effective to manage and replace in case of damage. Not only is the modular solution easy to replace and maintain, but we can also offer fast delivery for it.

Our clients have repeatedly told us that they wanted a more universal or general solution for demarcation along waterways, and we listened. Rather than having various models sized for location, we decided to develop and provide a buoy that could be used across a variety of needs or requirements.

These models have been used for temporary demarcation during construction, or even as permanent markings for properties and channel markings for marinas. They can also be used as demarcations at beaches, as well as lateral markings in marinas.

The ENB-600 has also helped us offer the fastest delivery in the UAE as its versatility allows us to hold stocks of the product to help our clients with same day deliveries from our Umm Al Quwain production facility.

As some of our clients are marine maintenance companies that cater to resorts and marinas, being able to offer same day delivery is a great help to them because they do not need to hold stock themselves.

In fact, this service is so important to our clients, we are now looking at setting up trader and distributor hubs across the UAE, so as to better facilitate faster delivery to clients.

The Ecocoast range of aids to navigation products include solar LED marine lanterns, polyethylene buoys up to 3000mm and next-gen mooring systems. Get in touch to know more.

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