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Published on 22 Apr ‘19
Happy Earth Day!
Earth Day

Today is Earth Day, a day celebrated every year on April 22nd that commemorates the founding of the modern environmental movement. Today’s Google Doodle takes us around the planet we call home to discover some of the awe-inspiring organisms that inhabit it. Specifically, the interactive slideshow Doodle explores six organisms across elevations – along with their earthly superlative. Have a look here.

Many of us use this date as a reason to analyze how they’re impacting the environment. Here’s some stats of what we’ve done at Ecocoast to protect and support our marine environment for future generations:

  1. …952,000 tonnes of marine piles stopped from ending up in landfills
  2. …167,500 km of barriers supplied to protect our marine environment
  3. …2,500 cubic meters of debris removed from beaches and golf courses
  4. …20 countries worldwide our protection, demarcation, navigation and pollution management solutions have been installed in
  5. …4 environmental initiatives we support and take time off to volunteer with
  6. …2 recycling services we signed up with for the office and production facility

At Ecocoast, we develop solutions for sustainable coastal and marine developments, and are at the forefront of designing, manufacturing and distributing globally a range of marine protection and demarcation products under the brand Ecobarrier. Our core purpose is to pioneer. Everything we do is either the first to market or an evolution of an existing idea.

Our business is built around offering products and services at every stage of the coastal and marine development lifecycle, from development, infrastructure and coastal protection, to operation and maintenance, focusing on sustainable solutions to protect and support the coastline and marine environment. Through developing pioneering solutions for a better marine environment, we will achieve our mission of solving the world’s most pressing marine problems and creating a more pioneering marine industry.

Happy Earth Day from all of us at Ecocoast!