

Coastal Protection Barriers: Ecobarrier Geosynthetic Containers (geotubes)
Published on 09 Jan ‘17
Geotextile Sand Containers: Calculator
Coastal Protection Barriers: Ecobarrier Geosynthetic Containers (geotubes)

Alternative coastal protection structures using Geotextile Sand Containers (GSCs) are increasingly being designed and constructed both in the UAE and regionally, mainly because of their performance in different construction works and environmental conditions. This is as opposed to natural materials, such as rock, to protect the coastline.

Because of the frequent requests from our clients, our Technical Engineer Aleksa Cavic, built a calculator to help you create graphs from your own data, offering different scenarios that assess waves, GSC size and stability.

The calculator for example shows the GSC size relationship with wave height, including a comparison between different models (Wouters versus Oumeraci et al.) and behavior between slope and crest (Oumeraci et al.), in order to create a stable structure and get maximum performance. All calculations are based on pre-defined dimension ratios, providing armour unit dimensions (influence of double layer still to be investigated). With this free tool, you can do your own calculations in less than 10 minutes.

Kindly note that the calculator is just a guide. It is important to be aware of limitations, fields of application and theoretical approaches, just to name a few. If you would like to know more, please contact Aleksa at +971 4 885 3944.

Don’t forget to bookmark the page: http://ecocoast.com/calculator 

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