

Ecocoast is committed to preserving Earth’s environments and oceans
Published on 05 Jun ‘22
Ecocoast is committed to preserving Earth’s environments and oceans
Ecocoast is committed to preserving Earth’s environments and oceans


Through its effective and proven solutions, Ecocoast is committed to working with governments, private companies and organisations to preserve Earth’s environments and oceans.

This week, Ecocoast celebrates World Environment Day (June 5) and World Oceans Day (June 8), two major United Nations-backed programmes that are aimed at celebrating and highlighting the importance of protecting and preserving our planet’s ecosystems and biodiversity.

This year, the campaign for the 50th annual World Environment Day is built around the theme of #OnlyOneEarth, while World Oceans Day’s theme is ‘Revitalisation: Collective Action for the Ocean’ and is framed by the UN Decade of Ocean Science and the celebration of the United Nations Ocean Conference. It will be the first-ever hybrid celebration of the annual event, which has been running since 1992, and will feature both in-person programming hosted at the UN headquarters in New York City, and virtual components for global public accessibility.

Ecocoast is committed to preserving Earth’s environments and oceans
Bolina Permanent Debris Booms

At Eoccoast, we have been proud supporters of both these initiatives for many years, and we will continue to do so in many ways. One of our proudest achievements has been our work with governments and authorities around the world, where we have installed high-quality, durable and effective floating debris barriers to help collect and remove plastics and other man-made waste materials from bodies of water, including Europe’s longest debris boom, which removed over 60 tonnes of plastic waste from the tidal river Scheldt in Belgium between October 2020 and October 2021.

Our sister company Bolina has also been working with the Sri Lankan government on a project to supply 270 metres of Modular Debris Booms to reduce the amount of waste and plastics entering into the ocean via a major river there.

All these efforts are part of the Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) that we have set ourselves over the next 10 years. By 2030, we aim to be present in 100 countries globally, helping to clean up and protect marine, aquatic ecosystems and coastlines.

Since our start in 2009, we have grown to currently be in 57 countries across six continents, working on a diverse range of projects, ranging from preventing man-made waste pollution, through to protecting delicate marine ecosystems and providing long-term coastal management solutions.

With the world’s population continuing to expand, so too will the amount of waste generated by our growth. Coupled with the continued impact of climate change, it is vital that we do our part to help the United Nations achieve its goals for World Environment Day and World Oceans Day.

Our planet is at a tipping point, and we need to work together to create a new balance with our oceans and our environments, so that we no longer just take, but instead help restore the balance and bring new life to our home.

Via our effective – and proven – solutions, we at Ecocoast hope that we can help governments, private companies and organisations across the world to address and solve the issues facing us all. Contact us if you have any questions or need expert advice.


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