

Coastal erosion
Published on 24 Jul ‘24
Coastal Erosion: A Global Challenge

Coastal erosion is a pressing issue impacting communities worldwide. It’s nearly impossible to read industry publications without encountering stories about beaches being eroded by this relentless natural process.


In Tunisia’s seaside town of Hammamet, bulldozers are a common sight on Yasmine beach. Efforts are being made to replenish the sand and combat the effects of coastal erosion, as reported by Arab News. The urgency of these measures is underscored by official statistics. These show that Tunisia has already lost more than 90 kilometers of beaches to erosion.

Ghana is losing as much as 1.3 meters of coastline per year due to rising sea levels. This loss threatens educational institutions, power plants and properties. The Ghana Hydrological Authority is calling for private partnerships to protect the country’s 290 kilometers of vulnerable coastal areas. For a visual representation of the severity of coastal erosion in Ghana, watch this YouTube video:

On February 25, 2023, Hemsby beach in Norfolk, United Kingdom (UK), was closed to the public due to significant coastal erosion. In the days that followed, homes and properties on the cliff were evacuated, with some collapsing into the sea, according to the British Geological Survey (BGS).

Louisiana’s southwestern coastline in the United States faces some of the most severe cases of coastal erosion. Government officials and state engineers are exploring alternatives, such as elevation to combat this issue, reports MIT Technology review.


Human activity, such as coastal property development and offshore mining, accelerates beach erosion. Coupled with rising sea levels and unprecedented weather events, these activities cause shorelines to change rapidly. Unprecedented weather events, like increased intensity and unpredictability of rainfall, lead to more landslides and flash floods, exacerbating the problem.

Addressing the coastal erosion challenges

Tackling the challenges faced by coastal communities requires a holistic approach. Here are some methods that can aid coastal communities:

Comprehensive coastal management plans: Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) is essential for sustainable development and protection of coastal areas. These plans should incorporate practices that balance social, cultural, environmental and economic objectives. This approach ensures the long-term health and resilience of coastal ecosystems and communities.

Community engagement and education: Involving local communities in decision-making processes and educating them about coastal management can enhance their resilience. Empowered communities are better equipped to anticipate and respond to climate-related challenges.

Early warning systems and disaster response plans: Establishing early warning systems and disaster response plans can reduce the impact of natural disasters on coastal areas. These systems provide communities with critical time to prepare and evacuate, if necessary.

Nature-based solutions

Nature-based solutions can play an important role in coastal protection, such as:

Soft engineering solutions: Coastal protection works, including soft engineering solutions like geosynthetic coastal protection containers, can play a significant role. They provide benefits without the environmental drawbacks of hard engineering structures.

Restoration of mangroves and wetlands: Restoring mangroves and wetlands provides natural buffers against storms and erosion.

Dune rehabilitation: This reduces the impact of coastal erosion by acting as a natural barrier that absorbs wave energy and prevents inland flooding.

Case study: Gold Coast project

Drawing lessons from successful projects like our partner International Coastal Management’s Gold Coast project in Australia offers valuable insights. This project enhances coastal resilience through a hybrid approach of green solutions, combining nearshore nourishment, vegetated dunes, sand management and monitoring procedures. These elements are all critical to ensuring long-term sustainability.

Refer to the photo comparisons before & after the project, sourced from International Coastal Management (ICM) to see the impact of their work 30 years later.


Combatting coastal erosion is a challenge for all coastal regions worldwide. Nature-based solutions have been recognized as a key option to tackle the “triple planetary crisis” of climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss. This recognition came at the most recent United Nations climate conference, COP28, held in Dubai in 2023. By embracing these solutions and fostering international cooperation, we can ensure the long-term protection and sustainability of our coastal areas.

Facing coastal erosion challenges? Discover how our coastal protection solutions can protect your coastline.

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