

Protecting boaters and their craft
Published on 14 Sep ‘20
Bolina Watercraft Safety Booms protect boaters and their craft
Bolina Safety Booms Protecting Boaters and Their Craft

Bolina Watercraft Safety Booms Protect Boaters and Their Craft

Bolina Watercraft Safety Booms have been installed worldwide to not only protect boaters and their craft, but also prevent weirs and sluices from getting blocked by large floating objects, such as tree branches. Safety afloat is more important today than ever. On a too frequent basis, these booms save houseboats, narrow boats and barges after boaters lose control of their craft.

Bolina Safety Booms Protecting Boaters and Their Craft

In 2006, the BBC reported that a man was rescued by helicopter after his narrow boat got into difficulty on the River Trent in the United Kingdom (UK), due to floodwaters. The helicopter lifted the man to safety after his boat crashed into our Bolina Watercraft Safety Booms near to a weir at Sawley Marina in the UK. Luckily, the man was not injured during the incident.

Bolina Safety Booms Protecting Boaters and Their Craft

In 2012, a 40ft barge got stuck against our booms after it was dislodged from its moorings in Diglis Basin in Worcester, the UK, due to rising flood water. The man was rescued.

Bolina Safety Booms Protecting Boaters and Their Craft

In the same year, a houseboat crashed into the Bolina Watercraft Safety Booms after boaters lost control of it on the River Nene in Northamptonshire, the UK. The boat owners were sailing along the river when heavy rain, fast-flowing water and rising water levels began to pull their 14-ton houseboat under the surface, smashing it into our safety booms that were installed in front of Ditchford Lock. The story was covered in several online media, including ITV. The owners were able to leap to safety on the banks of the river when their houseboat became lodged in the booms, the Environment Agency said, and were fortunately not injured.

Even though red flags are out, there are still boat owners who risk taking to rivers and putting their lives in danger. Not only with the fast flow but also with all debris that is floating down rivers, it is easy to hit or get something around the propeller.

At Ecocoast, we build safer, cleaner and more sustainable coastlines and waterways. Contact us if you need help keeping your waterways safe for boaters.

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