

Beach cleaning service
Published on 08 Jan ‘18
Beach cleaning: What are the different methods?
Beach cleaning service

December was a busy month for both our events and beach cleaning teams. The former had to plan and prepare for the fireworks events in different Emirates of the UAE, including Sharjah where we had 16 massive barges aligned for the 10-minute long fireworks display on Sunday, December 31. And the latter was engaged with beach cleaning activities at different hotel properties in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

A “before and after” photo of one of the beach cleans in Dubai is attached. Beach cleaning at this 5-star resort was done at night. Our Cherrington machines have spotlights and our operators are trained to work at night to avoid disrupting the beach during daytime, as December constitutes the peak of high season. Cherrington Model 5500 is also equipped with cameras to allow the operators a clear view of the screen bed, conveyor system as well as behind the machine.

Our Cherrington beach cleaners provide deep down lift and screen results – an innovative technology that easily screens all types of sand immediately returning the screened sand for a perfect beach. Not all beach cleaners offer the same impressive results. Poor engineering designs can significantly impact the performance of beach cleaners, resulting in lower quality and less safe beaches.

Beach cleaners with long, revolving mesh screen belt designs for example have a lot to be desired. The manufacturer claims that the machines have an operating depth of 150mm, offering the highest quality and simple operation. Looking at the technology, however, the revolving tines (photo 1 below) operate by going into the sand, kicking debris up and onto the mesh screen belt (photo 2 below). The machines clearly do not truly screen beach sand like self-propelled or other tractor-towed models.

The conveyor chain link belt of these machines will stretch and run crooked, eventually wearing out the sides (photo 3 below), mainly because of the uneven load of the sand as beaches are never perfectly levelled. Once the sides are worn, the mesh screen belt will continue to come apart until it breaks.

Much of the debris is below the beach surface. Only screening can remove items like coral, cigarette filters, glass and bottle caps.

Ecocoast - Beach Maintenance & Cleaning
Beach Cleaners with Long, Revolving Belts

Interested in knowing more? Download here our technical note that explains the difference between cleaning and deep cleaning, raking and screening machines, and much more. Or reach out to us for further information +971.4.8853944. Happy New Year from all of us at Ecocoast!

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