

Published on 11 Jan ‘17
750 mm Navigation Buoy in focus

We recently started manufacturing navigation buoys at our facility in Dubai. Just a small range to start with, mainly focused on nearshore and sheltered areas.

Our 750 mm Navigation Buoy is used for safe marking inner harbours, waterways and marinas ideally suited to water depths up to 10 meters. Manufactured from strong, durable rotationally molded UV-stabilized virgin polyethylene for very high UV environments such as the GCC, it has a pillar-shaped body with the highest focal plane height of any other buoy in its category. The buoy is designed to seamlessly connect with demarcation barriers for zero gap and suit solar lantern up to 230 mm diameter base plate. It is filled with closed-cell polyurethane foam to maintain floatation even if outer shell is ruptured.

Our Navigation Buoy is highly visible, conform to IALA guidelines (International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities). Ecobarrier is a proud Industrial Member of IALA and participates actively in activities for the improvement of the maritime safety worldwide.

The technical datasheet of our 750 mm Navigation Buoy can be downloaded here if you are interested.

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