

Beach cleaning after recent bad weather
Published on 29 Mar ‘17
Beach cleaning after recent bad weather
Beach cleaning after recent bad weather

The recent bad weather has swept away significant amounts of sand from beaches, causing them to become slightly narrower and lower in elevation in some places along our shorelines. According to online sources, around 30,000 cubic metres of sand is lost every year due to these seasonal rains and winds that cause beach erosion. The sand is either being deposited offshore or moved inland out of the beach areas. With summer around the corner, beach erosion can become a serious concern for hotels and resorts that rely on beach-related tourism and recreation.

Regular beach cleaning and nourishment can make a vast difference to the aesthetics of a beach that has poor quality sand or small erosion scarps. Our beach cleaning service provides an end-to-end solution to ensure leisure seekers enjoy the experience that they deserve. All small and large debris is screened out (not raked!) above and below the surface to a depth of 200mm with our robust Cherrington beach cleaners.

We recently acquired a new beach cleaner, Cherrington Model 5500 – a self-propelled, all-wheel drive with zero-turn radius. Our fleet now consists of three Cherrington beach cleaners that aerate the sand and screen out dangerous debris hidden under the surface, giving a deep down screened-clean beach. Click here to download the specs.

Besides beach cleaning, we also do beach nourishment and profiling, which is often coupled with beach cleaning to create wider beaches, reduce erosion scarp and sand loss, or replace poor sand quality. It is a cost-effective means of maintaining a high quality beach, especially if only small cosmetic improvements are necessary, budgetary constraints exist and a larger protection structure is not feasible.

Our beach protection services also include: installing buoys, demarcation barriers for safe swimming zones, protective barriers against pollution, sign boards and navigational aids.

Just a snapshot of some of our solutions. Feel free to get in touch for further information. Call us at +971 4 885 3944 or email [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you!

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